Monday, August 8, 2016


If there is a friend that can be dangerous than worst enemy,it is Pakistan with reference to UK,USA and Europe.

Whatsoever country is helping this country or not keeping this country and immigrants from this country is led surely by fools, as Pakistan is a country on verge of Suicide.
Terrorism and breeding terrorists is only business left here.
Situation is such that if they are not human trafficking mass murderers to India or world ,they have now begun to kill their own countrymen.
There are 5 major and thousand odd minor terrorist gangs operate in this country and due to religious respectability even pick pockets and goons have also grown up beard and have become Warriors of Islam. 
As every fundamentally fanatic society ,now even one group of politically and army sponsored groups have begun mass murdering other groups women and children,within a year 50 odd attacks on mourners,school children and hospitals have taken place-still USA declares Pakistan its friend in war against terrorism and advises India to talk to Pakistan, where there is no one to talk as PM of Pakistan and Army and Terrorists -these are 3 power centres, so who represents the Pakistan.
Certainly no one- only solution remains is taking Pakistan under international control and kill all the terrorist and terrorist supporters and keeping country under international government for next 10 years. today or tomorrow ,world is needed to decide this about all Terrorist countries like Pakistan ,before they and their new father CHINA finds more ways to harass world community.

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