Thursday, September 1, 2016

Healing Now: "Healing Now" Daily Updates- Converting the Money Problem into Wealth Generation

Healing Now: "Healing Now" Daily Updates- Converting the Money ...:

Converting the Money Problem into Wealth Generation

Money problems are universal everywhere and solutions are also universal. More than a problem,money issues are a fantastic opportunity to discover the untapped inner potential to generate wealth and living happily.

First of all understand that every problem is an opportunity to quickly unlock immense potential of manifestation anything and everything we need,which is inside our own subconscious mind.

Money is only one aspect of living but money flow not being abundant causes lots of pain and humiliation.

So let's first unlock this potential-

Here is a Practice-

First be sure that this issue will be healed anyway.

As no one in this world constantly remains in problem unless and until she or he develop the habit of self pity.

Understand that no one else but only you can change your destiny as per your desire-


"As you are about to sleep tonight -put three alarms of equal duration. As soon as alarm rings- be relaxed- decide how much money you need right now to live happily and feel grateful that you are now receiving this money forget about how-just remain in receiving mode and reenter in sleep."

It is irritating initially but more you practice this -more you invoke your subconscious power to attract manifestation opportunities.

This is one of the most powerful practice and yields quick results for people who are in dire financial problem.

So give it a try and you will be guided go to financial freedom.

Link to all Self Healing Books by Author

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